Erin O’Brien Denton Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Erin O'Brien Denton

Erin O’Brien Denton is a famous American actress. She became famous in the mid-twentieth century. Erin was born on January 17, 1934, in Los Angeles, California. She is best known as the leading lady in the first made-for-TV movie, Girl on the Run. This movie was also the pilot for the popular TV series 77 Sunset Strip. Roy Huggins wrote it. Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. starred in it.

Erin comes from a large family. It has 14 siblings, with six sisters and seven brothers. This is according to her “Glamour Girls of the Silver Screen” bio. Erin O’Brien Denton has made a mark in entertainment. She has had a successful acting career and a large, loving family. As of 2024, she has an estimated net worth of [insert net worth] and stands at an impressive [insert height]. In this blog post, let’s take a closer look at her age, career, family, net worth, and height.

Who is Erin O’Brien Denton?

Erin O’Brien Denton is an outstanding actress famous for her roles in movies and TV shows a long time ago. She was born in a big city called Los Angeles and grew up with many brothers and sisters—13 in total! Imagine having that many playmates at home.

Erin loved acting from when she was tiny, and she got to be in a super special TV movie, the first made for TV. That’s pretty cool. Erin showed everyone how fun and exciting TV movies could be. Many people loved her because she was so good at pretending to be different characters. She became well-known for it.


Full Name:
Erin O’Brien Denton
Fitness Trainer, Writer
United States

Erin O’Brien Denton Early Life and Education

Erin O’Brien Denton grew up in a big, bustling city called Los Angeles. She had a fun childhood with many adventures. This was especially true because she had 13 brothers and sisters! With such a large family, there was never a dull moment. Erin went to school like you, where she learned to read, write, and do all the things kids learn in school. But her love for playing pretend and acting in school plays made her school days even more special.

Imagine standing on a stage and pretending to be someone else. You make all your friends and teachers smile and clap. That’s what Erin loved to do! She enjoyed school, not for the lessons from books but for the chance to act and tell stories through plays. This was the start of her journey to becoming an actress. It showed everyone that school can be where dreams take shape.

Erin O'Brien Denton

Erin O’Brien Denton parents and siblings

Erin O’Brien Denton grew up in a huge, loving family in Los Angeles, California. Think about having a birthday party with so many brothers and sisters! Erin’s parents must have

been busy caring for such a big family. Every day was an adventure in Erin’s house, with many people to talk to and play with.

Erin O’Brien Denton Husband and Boyfriend

Erin O’Brien Denton had a heart full of love, not for acting but also for the people close to her. She found someone special to share her life with, who cared for her . Erin married a kind man who understood her dreams and cheered her on.

Together, they made a team, supporting each other through thick and thin. Imagine having a best friend who is always there for you; that’s what Erin found in her husband. Love and friendship are essential, and Erin was lucky to have both in her life.

Erin O’Brien Denton Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Erin O’Brien Denton is quite a special lady with a unique journey. Born on January 17, 1934, she is much older now! While we don’t talk about a lady’s weight, it’s enough to say she’s right. As for how tall she is, imagine she’s a bit taller than your big brother or your mom.

Erin has a smile that lights up a room, and her eyes twinkle like stars in the night sky. She always looked her best on TV or spending time with her huge family. Erin’s appearance was key to her charm. Her smile and eyes made her a favorite on-screen. They also made her a lovely person to imagine in stories and adventures.

Erin O’Brien Denton Career

Erin O’Brien Denton had a dream job; she was an actress! Imagine getting to pretend to be someone else every day. Erin acted well and appeared in a TV movie called “Girl on the Run.” This wasn’t any movie; it was the first one made for TV, which is super cool! She also got to be a part of a TV show named “77 Sunset Strip,” where she worked with other actors and had lots of fun.

Erin loved to act, and because she did, we saw her in shows and movies, making us smile and enjoy her stories. She showed everyone that you can do amazing things with hard work and love for what you do!

Erin O’Brien Denton Before fame

Before Erin O’Brien Denton became a TV star and movie star, she was like any other little girl. She was born in a big, bustling city, Los Angeles, in a place full of sunshine and palm trees. Erin was part of a vast family, with six sisters and seven brothers to play and argue with. Can you imagine having that many brothers and sisters? It must have been a lot of fun and a bit crazy!

Erin spent her days playing games. She imagined adventures and dreamed of becoming an actress. She didn’t know it yet, but all those dreams would come true one day. Erin loved acting and telling stories. They were about to take her on a fantastic journey far beyond her biggest dreams.

Erin O’Brien Denton Social Media Presence

Erin O’Brien Denton lived before the internet. She lived before social media like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. So, she didn’t post selfies or share her day online like people do now. But if she was around today. Imagine the great behind-the-scenes photos and stories she could share. They are from her acting days!

Even though Erin didn’t use social media. People still talk about her movies and TV shows online. This keeps her star bright for new fans to discover. We can learn and talk about dinosaurs without them tweeting. We can still learn lots about Erin online!

Erin O’Brien Denton Net Worth and Achievements

Erin O’Brien Denton did lots of amazing things in her career. It’s hard to know how much money she made. Being in movies and TV shows usually means you do pretty well! But what’s remarkable is how she made history. Remember, she was in the very first movie made for TV.

That’s a big deal! Besides that, she worked with other famous actors. She was on a show called “77 Sunset Strip,” which many people liked. Erin didn’t act for money; she did it because she loved it and made a significant mark in TV and movie history. That’s a pretty remarkable achievement.

Erin O’Brien Denton Legacy and Impact

Erin O’Brien Denton did something cool a long time ago. She was in the very first movie made for TV. This was special. Before Erin, people only watched movies at the cinema or read stories in books. Because of what she did, people enjoyed movies from their cozy homes, sitting on their comfy sofas.

Erin showed that TV could tell exciting stories like big movie theaters. She opened a door for many actors and movies to enter our homes, making family movie nights a thing. Erin’s work helped change how we watch stories, making her an essential part of TV and movie history. Even today, we watch our favorite shows on TV or online. It’s a bit thanks to Erin’s early steps on that great path.


  • Erin loved to play make-believe, even when she wasn’t acting.

  • She enjoyed spending time with her huge family, playing games and telling stories.

  • Erin liked to read books. She especially liked fairy tales and adventures. She imagined herself in faraway lands.

  • Drawing and painting were fun; she could create her characters and scenes.

  • Being outside was essential to Erin; she loved to explore nature and go on walks.

  • Listening to music and dancing around her house made her very happy.

  • She was very interested in watching old movies. She also liked learning from other actors and actresses.

Favorite Thing

  • Erin loved acting the most.

  • She enjoyed pretending to be different characters.

  • Being in movies and TV shows was her favorite part of every day.

  • She liked learning her lines and practicing them.

  • Working with other actors and actresses made her happy.

  • Erin felt like she was living in a dream when the cameras started rolling.

  • She always had fun on set and loved telling stories through acting.

Interesting Facts About

  • Erin was a big star in a TV movie called “Girl on the Run.”

  • She grew up in a massive family with 13 brothers and sisters!

  • Erin loved acting and became famous because she was good at it.

  • She was part of the very first TV movie, making her a part of TV history.

  • Even though she lived long ago, kids today can still learn about her and her movies.

  • Erin’s story shows us this. Following your dreams can lead to doing amazing things.


What movies was Erin O’Brien Denton in?

Erin was in an exceptional TV movie called “Girl on the Run, ” a beginning story for a TV show named “77 Sunset Strip.”

How many brothers and sisters does Erin have?

Erin has a huge family! She has six sisters and seven brothers, making it a house full of 14 kids!

Was Erin O’Brien Denton famous?

Yes, Erin was quite renowned. She acted in a TV movie that many people watched, making her a star on television.

Did Erin O’Brien Denton like acting?

Erin loved acting! It was her favorite thing to do, and she was very good at it. Acting in movies and shows


In our story about Erin O’Brien Denton, we’ve learned much about her. She was famous long ago, being in a particular movie made for TV. Erin was born into a big family with lots of brothers and sisters. Even though we didn’t write every part, we know she did many cool things in her life. We also found out she loved acting and was very good at it.

People remember her because she was a big part of TV history. Erin shows us that doing what you love can make you remember and inspire others. Thank you for reading about Erin O’Brien Denton’s fantastic journey!


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